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منظمات حقوقية ومدنية توجه رسالة إلى مجلس الأمن بخصوص المختطفات لدى داعش

وجهت عشر منظمات حقوقية ومدنية رسالة إلى الرئيس الحالي لمجلس الامن الدولي للمطالبة بالتحرك العاجل والفوري لتحرير المختطفات لدى تنظيم داعش من الإيزيديات والشبك والمسيحيات وسواهن ممن استعبدهم تنظيم داعش جنسياً لديه ويقوم بالاتجار بهن في أسواق يسميها سوق السبايا وقد أكدت المنظمات الموقعة ضروة التزام المجتمع الدولي قرار مجلس الامن رقم 1325 حول المرأة والسلام والأمن بالإجماع من قبل مجلس الامن في 31 أكتوبر/تشرين اﻷول من عام 2000 وقرار مجلس الأمن رقم 1889 في 5 أكتوبر/تشرين اﻷول من عام 2009 لتعزيز تطبيق ومراقبة القرار رقم 1325 والقرار رقم 1820 الخاص بالعنف الجنسي وبالتحديد النقاط الأساسية في القرار 1325حول:

  • حماية النساء والفتيات من العنف الجنسي والعنف القائم على النوع اﻻجتماعى. ويشمل تدريب العاملين في عمليات حفظ السلام في مجال حقوق المرأة واتخاذ اجراءات فعالة لحمايتهن.
  • العمل على منع العنف ضد المرأة من خلال تعزيز حقوق المرأة وأعمال المساءلة وتطبيق القوانين. وأحد أهم النقاط التى يشملها هذا البند هى محاكمة المسؤولين عن جرائم الحرب – مثل العنف الجنسي – واستثناء جرائم العنف الجنسي دائماً من اتفاقيات العفو العام. كما يشدد على مسؤولية تعزيز حقوق المرأة في إطار القانون العام للدولة.وتأتي هذه الرسالة في إطار الحملة التي أطلقتها مؤسسة التآخي لحقوق الإنسان في اليوم الدولي للمرأة 8 آذار 2016 وتضامنت المنظمات التالية مع التحرك وهي حسب توقيت التوقيع :
    1- المركز الإيزيدي للتوثيق / العراق
    2-المركز الثقافي الإيزيدي في هلسنبوري/ السويد
    3-همزة وصل / سوريا
    4-مركز الدراسات النسوية في فلسطين Women’s Studies Centre/ فلسطين
    5-البيت الإيزيدي في مونسترلاند/ ألمانيا
    6- المركز التعليمي لحقوق الانسان / ألمانيا
    7-مرصد العدالة من اجل الحياة في دير الزور / سوريا
    8-مركز تمكين للنساء / سوريا
    9-رابطة النساء السوريات
    10- مؤسسة التآخي لحقوق الإنسان
    تتقدم إداة الحملة ومؤسسة التآخي لحقوق الإنسان بالشكر للمنظمات التي لبت نداءها وتضامن معها في الوقت المحدد وتعتذر من المنظمات والأفراد الذين لم يتسنى إضافتهم إلى الموقعين بعد التوقيت المحدد للحملة.
    وفيما يلي نص الرسالة :

    H.E. Ismael Gaspar Martins

    820 2nd Avenue,
    12th Floor,
    New York,NY 10017

    14 March 2016

    H.E.. Ismael Gaspar Martins Esquire the ambassador and the current

    Chairman of the UN Security Council and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Angola to the UN Security Council

    Gentle ambassadors and representatives of the States of membership of the UN Security Council

    A reference to the decision No. 1325 about women, peace and security unanimously by the Security Council on 31 October in 2000 and the decision of Security Council No. 1889 on 5 October in 2009 about promoting the application and monitoring of Decision No . 1325 and the Decision No. 1820 about sexual violence, specifically the key points in the Decision No. 1325 about :

    • Protection women and girls from sexual violence and violence based on gender. This includes the training of who work in the operations of peacekeeping in the field of women’s rights and take effective action to protect them.
      • work to prevent violence against women by promoting the women’s rights and acts of accountability and the application of laws. One of the most important points which this item includes is to prosecute these are responsible for war crimes – such as sexual violence and the exception of crimes of sexual violence is always of a general amnesty agreements. It emphasizes the responsibility of promoting the women’s rights in the general law of the state.

    More than 5,000 women and young girls still from the Kurdish Yazidi minority in addition to hundreds of Christian and Shabak women and others are being kidnapped by the ISIS since the invasion of the ISIS to the area of Sinjar in the east of Iraq and the province of Mosul in Iraq in late August in 2014. According to testimonies and reports of human rights and horrible media which we receive and you can totally read them that there is a market for enslaved women – as the ISIS calls as an euphemism for a market to sell abducted women in addition to certificates from inside of Raqqa and Deir al-Zour assure that there is also enslaving of men and male children by the ISIS who use those men and children as slaves to serve members and princes of the ISIS.
    The moral duty and the international custom are our responsibilities to be serious about this issue which hasn’t been solved successfully up to now with the continuation of military solution which undermines the ISIS which has destroyed the whole world and broke all human values fully. As activists and organizations didn’t do enough to work to provide any possibilities we have to add to the efforts of many persons around the world. Our foundation lost one of the leading cadres in the Manbej City while trying to save four kidnapped women by the ISIS included a girl of 14 years old who was sold in that region . In 15-8-2015 after the colleague Mohammed, aged 32, and his wife was pregnant with his son, who was also named as his name after the killing of his father , liberated the four women and then the tragic news reached that Mohammed was killed at a checkpoint headed by the Emir of the ISIS The prince( Emir) was Tunisian . Mohammed was executed by firing by that Emir.
    At a time we believe that the international community hasn’t acted seriously , it is needed to solve this profound problem and the important issue important in the level of human dignity that the charters of International Bill for human rights and the International relating Conventions preserved and sponsored it specifically the resolutions of the UN Security Council, which be since their issuances instable and hesitated in the application.
    Mr. Ismail A. Gaspar Martins the ambassador.
    Gentle ambassadors and representatives of the members of the UN Security Council
    We in the Fraternity Foundation for human rights with the organizations signed below, and on the occasion of The International Women’s Day which is on 8 March , ask you to act immediately and seriously to provide all forms of support and assistance to these who work in the files of abducted women by the ISIS. Surely there will not be justice and freedoms for women in the world as long as there are kidnapped women by the ISIS as enslaved women in of Raqqa , Deir al-Zour , Manbej , Jarablos and other cities in Syria . We ask you to provide the immediate support to the women who have been freed by providing the areas they are by the centers for the psychological rehabilitation because of the serious psychiatric effects that the ISIS had done. These effects will created distorted generations from the women who will become tomorrow mothers and nannies for the children who may be taunted as a result of the violence suffered by their mothers.
    Yours acceptance of respect and appreciation

    1. Yezidi Center for Documentation / Iraq
      2-Yazidi cultural center in Hlsnbura / Sweden
      3-Hamzat wasel /Syria
      4- Women’s Studies Centre / Palestine
      5-Yezidi House in Monstrland / Germany
      Educational Center for Human Rights / Germany
      7- justice for life Observatory in Deir al-Zour / Syria
      8- Empowerment Centre of women
      9- League of Syrian Women
      10- Fraternity Foundation for human rights / Syria and Iraq