At the time when the Syrians are starting to discuss a new constitution as one of the fundamental components of the political solution recognised by the international community through Resolution 2254 dot 18.12.2015, it is noticeable the absence of active civil forces from the process which was limited to committees imposed by regional countries involved in the Syrian conflict. On the one hand, the direction of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria is seeking to formulate a new social contract in the area under its control.
Despite many discussions and actions of fellow civil organizations in the region, the required and specialized constitutional awareness have not been provided to civil society organizations and citizens involved and interested in the above-mentioned topics. Consequently, our foundation decided to focus on utilizing its knowledge and expertise to provide activists in the region with constitutional awareness.
Fraternity Foundation for Human Rights (FFHR) team have concluded the training workshops on the suitability of international agreements with the
legislative pyramid. According to a training manual our foundation has prepared on the suitability of international agreements with the legislative pyramid. The workshops were launched on July 14th, 2021 in Raqqa, and AL.kasrah city in Deir-Ezzor respectively. Each workshop lasted for 2 days in each city. The workshops that we held in the two cities were well received and were well attended from the participants.
Ibrahim Alhasen, Centre of Documenting Missing Persons and Forensic in Raqqa city says: :
Choosing the topic and content of the workshop was very successful at this time, as it included topics that were absent from the citizens and necessary for them
Regarding the training content delivered by the Awareness and Training Unit, managed by colleague instructor Parween Abdel Fattah, the activist Annas Alhemmoud from Furat Organisation and responsible follow-up and evaluation, said:
It clarified a lot of concepts that were missing from us
Our misinformation about other concepts has been corrected
Dr. Ommar Almoushref, a scholar in constitutional law from Raqqa city:
This workshop was very informative and contained in detail all required information about the constitution in term of authorities, form of the State, legislations, and international conventions and treaties.
Each workshop was organised into main sessions:
• Systems of governance
• The basic components of society
• the authorities.
• the Constitution
• The formation of constitutions
• Constitutions Methods
• Types of constitutions
• Sources of the Constitution
• Legislative pyramid
• The relationship between international conventions and the national legislative pyramid
• Theories about the relationship
• international conventions and the nature of the constitutions
• The position of constitutions of international conventions
• Legislative harmonization between international conventions and the national legislative pyramid
Trainees, during their evaluation of the workshops, stressed the need to hold more similar workshops and to increase the hours and days of the training.
The activist from Deir Ez-Zur
The one observation that we would like to make is the time of the workshop was short and we call upon those who organise these workshops to increase the number and the length of these workshops.
Regarding the importance of women’s participation, which reached 32%, in these trainings, activist Shames Sellou from Organisation Office Management, Syrian Women Council
The workshop was very excellent, especially since there was information missing from us as women activists in Raqqa. We hope that this workshop will be held for a larger segment of society.
In Raqqa, the workshop started on 14-15 July , 2021 , on average. 23 civil activists ( 11 female ) representing 15 local organizations and activist from civil society in the city.
In AL.kasrah city in Deir-Ezzor, the workshop started on 16-17 July , 2021 , on average. 24 civil activists ( 5 female ) representing 19 local organizations and activist from civil society in the city.