Fraternity Foundation for Human Rights in cooperation and coordination with civil society organizations and human rights organizations in north-eastern Syria, started a campaign support and advocacy for policy paper, which issued recently by the Fraternity Foundation for Human Rights.
Ms. Perween Abdel Fattah, Director of the Program for the Promotion of Civil and Political Rights; met with representatives of the most prominent civil society and human rights organizations in the city of Qamishli, Mabadah, Darbassiah and Hassakah in our office in the city of Qamishli on Wednesday, March 28, 2019..
Ms. Perween Abdel Fattah explained that the main objective of the policy paper was to strengthen the role of civil society organizations in political participation and decision-making to require local authorities to amend the articles of the Social Contract for Democratic Self-Management and harmonization with international standards, human rights conventions and other international conventions. Such as Paris Principles of National Human Rights Institutions and the decision of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the Basic Principles of the Independence of the Judiciary and other international standards on legislation.
Seven civil and human rights organizations und 20 Activists have signed their solidarity agreement with the content of the paper and seek to ask the Legislative Council for self-management to make these proposed amendments.
The text of the letter that was signed reads as follows:
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Legislative Council of the self-management of north-east Syria
In support of the rule of law and to strengthen the authority of the social contract as a constitutional reference to the organization of social, political and economic life in our region.
This paper discusses the problematic application of the Charter of the Social Contract for Democratic Self-Management in the north and northeast Syria in terms of the appropriateness of the text in terms of drafting and the expression of the aspirations of the people in the areas of self-management control.
The Charter of the Social Contract establishes a legal status for Syria and its partners of other components in this region, within the framework of formation and protection of what is called “democratic self-management”
The Charter of the Social Contract and Self-Management are the subject of this paper and an attempt to find an objective equation for governance that regulates the relationship between the ruler (self-management) and the convicts (the components of the region with the Kurdish majority), and establishing a framework to regulate the relationship between them to establish an organized society according to established rules.
Human rights organizations, civil society organizations, associations, organizations and media organizations are united with the content and purpose of the paper and hope to do what is necessary to achieve the best.
The signed organizations:
* Kurdish Committee for Human Rights-Observer
* Omid center for revive civil society
* Kurdish women’s rights organization in Syria
* Ezdina Foundation
* Tomorrow better association
* Smile organization
* Ashna youth organization