Fraternity Foundation for Human Rights (FFHR) team have concluded the training workshops on the suitability of international agreements with the legislative pyramid. According to a training manual our foundation has prepared on the suitability of international agreements with the legislative pyramid.The workshops were launched on February 7th, 2019 in Qamishli, Hasaka, Mabadah, and Raqqa, respectively. Each workshop lasted for 2 days in each city.
Each workshop was organised into main sessions:
• Systems of governance
• The basic components of society
• the authorities.

• the Constitution
• The formation of constitutions
• Constitutions Methods
• Types of constitutions
• Sources of the Constitution
• Legislative pyramid
• The relationship between international conventions and the national legislative pyramid
• Theories about the relationship
• international conventions and the nature of the constitutions
• The position of constitutions of international conventions
• Legislative harmonization between international conventions and the national legislative pyramid

In Hassaka, the workshop started on 7th February, 2019. on average 22 civil activists ( 16 female ) representing 6 local organizations and activist from civil society in in the city.
In Mabadah, the workshop started on 14 February, 2019 . on average 16 civil activists ( 9 female ) representing 7 local organizations and activist from civil society in the city
In Raqqa, the workshop started on 27 February, 2019 , on average. 16 civil activists ( 10 female ) representing 7 local organizations and activist from civil society in the city.
In Qamishli, the workshop started on 18th February , 2019. on average 15 civil activists ( 14 female ) representing 11 local organizations and activist from civil society in the city
Fraternity Foundation for Human Rights (FFHR) had issued a position paper on the drafting of the Syrian. who is drafting the constitution
FFRH’s team, with the goal to enhance concerted action and networking, cooperated with fellow local organisation to implement these workshops in their headquarters. In Hasaka, it was the Ashna youth organization, in Mabadah it was the “Omid civil society center”, and in Raqqa it was Civil Society Support Center.
These workshops are within the framework of the strategic plan of FFHR for the period 2018-2020, which mainly focuses on promoting political freedom, strengthening the role of civil society involvement in decision-making process, defending the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, compatibility of the local laws that regulate civil matters with international human rights law.
As well as You can follow all the daily activities on the Facebook page @fraternity.FFHR